Embrace the power of Regex

Too often, while reviewing code, I’ll see examples like:

def extract_id_and_env(key: str) -> dict:
    """Extracts the object ID from `key`

    `key` is a string like 'namespace_prefix_12345'
    In some cases, `key` could also look like `namespace_prefix_12345_environment`

    Returns a dict with the object ID, an integer
    parts = key.split('_')

    parsed = {
        'id': int(parts[2]),
        'environment': parts[3] if len(parts) == 4 else None
    return parsed

When I see this, I ask, “Why?”

Instead, this is my preferred way of handling this is to use a regex with named capture groups:

import re

KEY_PATTERN = re.compile(r'(?<namespace>[a-z]+)_(?<prefix>[a-z]+)_(?<object_id>\d+)(?:_(?P<environment>[a-z]+))?

def extract_key_components(key: str):
    m = KEY_PATTERN.match(str)
    parts = ['namespace', 'prefix', 'object_id', 'environment', ]
    values = [m.group(part) for part in parts]
    return values

In another example (contrived, but modified from a real world application), from a Django which serves both students and educators, and displays two different landing pages depending on the intent:

def login_view(request):
    url = request.GET.get('next')
    last_word = url.split("/")[-1]
    is_student = True if last_word == 'scholarship' else False

    template = 'login/student.html' if is_student else 'login/educator.html'

    response = render_to_response(request, template)
    return response

The problem with this code is not immediately apparent. It works. However, this code lacks robustness.

An arguably better approach:

import re


def is_login_intent_student(request):
    is_student = False
    next = request.GET.get('next')
        if pattern.match(next):
            is_student = True
    return is_student

def login_view(request):
    is_student = is_login_intent_student(request)
    template = 'login/student.html' if is_student else 'login/educator.html'

    response = render_to_response(request, template)
    return response

In addition to the readability and maintainability of the regex approach, it is overall more robust, allowing the programmer to extract multiple components from the string all at once! This mitigates the need for updating the function in the future, if other parts of the string are needed later on (and it’s quite often that it would be the case!).

My preference for Regex over Split stems from:

  • Somewhat related to the principle of https://www.joelonsoftware.com/2005/05/11/making-wrong-code-look-wrong/
  • If code is wrong, it should fail catastrophically and loudly, not subtly or obscurely
  • It’s hard to make a regex that looks maybe right? Either a regex is right, or obviously wrong. (It could also be that I have lots of experience using regexes, and can write them without lookup up references)
  • OTOH, while split is conceptually easier to learn, for me, it’s hard or nearly impossible to see at a glance whether the code is write or wrong. For example, if you look at a block of code using split and various indexes, how would you instantly detect a possible OB1 (aka off-by-one error; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Off-by-one_error)? Not possible. OB1s bugs are prevalent in software because the learning curve, and therefore barrier to entry, is low, so bugs are more likely to be introduced.
  • Regexes, OTOH, have a slightly higher learning curve, slightly higher barrier to entry, so those who use it tend not to make trivial mistakes
  • If the code never has to update ever again, then, great! split is sufficient. If the next engineer has to update it, they would not necessarily benefit from the existing code, and would have to re-evaluate all of the code in their head to make sure indexes are right.
  • Maintaining a list of patterns, or regexes, encourages a Solve for N mentality, whereas using split encourages a “solve it quick and dirty mindset”

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13 July 2023


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