DataTable Change History

DataTable Change History


  • No changes.


  • No changes.


  • No changes.


  • No changes.


  • No changes.


  • Fixed an issue where the UI did not render correctly in print preview for IE 11. (#1708: @annumanuel)


  • No changes.


  • No changes.


  • Added datatable-keynav module, providing keyboard navigation within the datatable. [Pull Request #596]


  • Add highlight module [Pull Request #1196]

  • Document updates and variable changes to improve understanding of code [Pull Request #946] [Satyam]

  • Add Show All to language packs. [Pull Request #1173] [Issue #1167]

  • Added ‘contentUpdate’ after the DataTable has been updated when triggered from a dataChange event. [Pull Request #1072][Issue #1052]

  • Fix issue where recursive nesting of objects was cloned infinitely [Pull Request #1008][Ticket #915]

  • Fix issue where Paginator count becomes out of sync with DataTable when DataTable data is modified (added or removed) [Pull Request #1011] [Issue #1010]

  • Add French language pack for DataTable’s Paginator. (#1166 @Naouak)


  • No changes.


  • Release Paginator for DataTable. DataTable’s Paginator consists of a few files and components each with a single purpose in mind. Model- Mixes in Paginator-Core to provide a model for the DataTable Paginator View- Sets up a view of controls that is associated with a single model Controller- Binds and maintains the state between the model and the view as well as the interaction with DataTables other components. Templates- A collection of templates used by the view and the controller to add mark up to the layout in a unified manner. The template is created using Y.Template.Micro but can be updated to use any precompiled templating language. Skins- Night and Sam skins for the default paginator view.

  • Release a default footer view that will create an empty <tfoot> for row placement in the footer node. This is optionally added by the Paginator when the location is specified for the footer if it is not already in place.

  • Update _afterDataChange() to only change the row modified. [Pull Request #695] [Ticket #2532962]

  • Expand the title change to allow for a columns title, key, abbr and label for more flexibility with column titles. [Pull Request #703] [Ticket #2533220]

  • Added Hungarian language support [Gábor Kovács]


  • No changes.


  • No changes.


  • No changes.


  • Fix renderBody in the docs and in table-message. [albertosantini]

  • Add italian language files to the components. [albertosantini]


  • No changes.


  • Making sortable datatableheaders unselectable [Pull Request #286] [Pull Request #378] [Ticket #2532825] [ItsAsbreuk] [apipkin]

  • French translations for the DataTable [Pull Request #454] [ArnaudD] [davglass]

  • Merged in #392: Named cell formatters [satyam]


  • Avoid processing columns if there aren’t any to allow empty tables. [Pull Request #176] [Mark Woon]

  • Default sort for text columns is now case insensitive. Added caseSensitive attribute to table columns config. Setting caseSensitive to true will bypass the case insensitive sort speeding up sort in large data sets, where case insensitivity is not required. [Ticket #2532134] [Pull Request #281] [clanceyp]


  • No changes.


  • No changes.


  • No changes.


  • No changes.


  • No changes.


  • Extracted all rendering logic into new class Y.DataTable.TableView. Added view and viewConfig attributes to configure which view to use to render the table. headerView, bodyView, and footerView are all passed along to this View class to delegate rendering (if appropriate). You can now have a single view config on DT to render the entire table and contents. NOTE: if you were subscribing to renderHeader, renderBody, or renderFooter events, they now have to be prefixed with ‘table’ (E.g. table.after('table:renderBody', fn);
  • Column configuration array is now copied when assigned. This allows the same array and column config objects to be used for multiple tables.


  • No changes.


  • Major refactor. See README for details about the new architecture.
  • Y.DataTable is now instantiable, in addition to Y.DataTable.Base
  • Recordset use has been replaced by ModelList. recordset attribute passes through to data attribute. This is incomplete back compat because get(‘recordset’) doesn’t return a Recordset instance.
  • Columnset use has been removed. Column configuration is managed as an array of objects. columnset attribute passes through to columns attribute. The same incomplete back compat applies.
  • DataTable doesn’t render the table contents or header contents. That is left to bodyView and headerView classes.
  • Support for rendering a <tfoot> is baked in.
  • datatable-datasource modified to update a DataTable’s data attribute rather than the (deprecated) recordset.
  • Scrollable tables now support captions
  • Added datatable-mutable module to provide addRow, removeRow, addColumn, etc
  • Added datatable-column-widths module to set column widths

  • Liner <div>s have been removed from the cell template in the default markup
  • <colgroup> is not rendered by default (added via datatable-column-widths extension)
  • message <tbody> is not added by default (compatibility module not added yet)
  • CSS uses border-collapse: collapse for all user agents instead of separate for most, but collapse for IE
  • CSS for base only includes styles appropriate to rendering the base markup
  • header gradient rendered as CSS gradient where possible, falling back to background image.
  • Added class “yui3-datatable-table” to the <table>
  • Added class “yui3-datatable-header” to all <th>s
  • Changed class “yui3-column-foo” to “yui3-datatable-col-foo” for <th>s and <td>s
  • Added class “yui3-datatable-cell” to all <td>s
  • CSS no longer references tags, only classes
  • ARIA grid, row, and gridcell roles added to the markup templates

  • recordset attribute deprecated in favor of data attribute
  • columnset attribute deprecated in favor of columns attribute
  • tdValueTemplate, thValueTemplate, and trTemplate attributes and tdTemplate and thTemplate properties dropped in favor of CELL_TEMPLATE and ROW_TEMPLATE properties on the bodyView and headerView instances.
  • Now fires renderTable, renderHeader, renderBody, and renderFooter events
  • Added data, head, body, and foot properties to contain instances of the ModelList and section Views.
  • Columns now MAY NOT have keys with dots in them. It competes with Attribute’s support for complex attributes. When parsing data with DataSchema.JSON, use the locator configuration to extract the value, but use a simple key to store/reference it from DT.


  • Removed the td property from the object passed to cell formatters by default. Implementers should return innerHTML or modify the tdTemplate and set properties on the o object passed to the formatter for template substitution. For implementers that must have a Node for the cell, a new prototype method createCell(o) may be called from formatters. The method creates a Node using the standard template substitution of tdTemplate + values stored in o. It then adds the cell Node to the td property on o and returns the created Node. That said, using strings will make the table faster (maybe not in this release, but in 3.5.0). [Ticket #2529920]

  • Added a column attribute emptyCellValue to populate cells without content values. In your column definition, specify a value you want to show in the rendered cell in the case of missing data. The default emptyCellValue is the empty string, so no more “{value}” showing up in tables. [Ticket #2529921]


  • Render cycle revamped to avoid calls through the Attribute API for each cell. This should improve render performance somewhat. More performance improvements to come in 3.5.0. The object passed through the render loops’ supporting methods now has additional properties and many properties are added earlier. still refers to the cell added by the previous loop iteration–a proper fix is coming in 3.5.0. Look in the Gallery for a patch module.

  • Now creates a new RecordSet for each instance rather than reusing the same one. [Ticket #2529980]

  • Captions are only added if a value is set for the caption attribute [Ticket #2529968]


  • Initial release.

  • Known Android issue (Ticket #2529761): Scrolling is currently not supported on the Android WebKit browser.

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