

Plugin for Y.Model that extends Y.Model-instances into having editable properties. After pluged-in, Each property can be rendered into a form-element by using: yourModel.itsaeditmodel.formelement() You can also retreive a copy of the model’s (or object’s) attributes with: yourModel.itsaeditmodel.toJSON()

You may not need to call the plugin’s methods yourself, but want to use one of the next 3 view-widgets who do this automaticly:

##Custom buttons The plugin can create form-elements of all Model’s-attributes. It also can create the next UI-buttons: button, add, submit, save, destroy, stopedit. In order to do so, you must declare 2 attributes:

  • ‘template’ where the Model’s-attributes can be between brackets (it uses Y.Lang.sub() for this), or conform the Y.Template.Micro-format. Also the UI-buttons -which are not part of the model- can be declared between brackets: just make sure you use a unique name: ‘{firstname} {lastname} {send}’.
  • ‘editmodelConfigAttrs’ this is the configuration by which the plugin determines what type must be used for all specified properties within ‘template’

##Events The custom buttons have their defaultFunction which correspons with their names. When listening to these events, you catch a buttonclick immediately, but the real action may take some time. The action performed are not model.load etc, but model.loadPromise, which is supplied by ITSAModelSyncPromise. Some defaultfunctions will add e.promise to the eventTarget:

  • button –> event ‘model:buttonclick’
  • add –> event ‘model:addclick’
  • stopedit –> event ‘model:stopeditclick’
  • submit –> event ‘model:submitclick’ –> e.promise
  • save –> event ‘model:saveclick’ –> e.promise
  • destroy –> event ‘model:destroyclick’ –> e.promise

Because the defaultfunctions adds the promises to eventTarget, you need to listen for these using the model.after() events, not model.on().


Online example


API Docs


Usage in conjunction with ITSAViewModel

YUI().use('model', 'gallery-itsaviewmodel', 'gallery-itsaeditmodel', datatype-date-format', function(Y) {

    var viewmodel, model, modeltemplate, edittemplate, editmodelConfigAttrs;
    model = new Y.Model({
        artist: 'Madonna',
        country: 'USA',
        firstRelease: new Date(1983, 1, 1)
    modeltemplate = '<%= data.artist %><br />'+
                    '<%= country %><br />'+
                    'First album released: <%= Y.Date.format(data.firstRelease, {format:"%d-%m-%Y"}) %>';
    edittemplate = 'Artist: {artist}<br />'+
                   'Country: {country}<br />'+
                   'First album released: {firstRelease}<br />'+
                   '{cancelButton} {saveButton}';

    editmodelConfigAttrs = {
        artist: {type: 'input'},
        country: {type: 'input'},
        firstRelease: {type: 'date', dateFormat: '%d-%m-%Y'},
        cancelButton: {type: 'stopedit', buttonText: 'cancel'},
        saveButton: {type: 'save', buttonText: 'save'}

    model.plug(Y.Plugin.ITSAEditModel, {template: edittemplate, editmodelConfigAttrs : editmodelConfigAttrs});

    viewmodel = new Y.ITSAViewModel({
        boundingBox: "#myview",
        template: modeltemplate,  // <-- is NOT the active template, because edittemplate is used. But you can turn back to this one.
        modelEditable: true,
        model: model


Usage in conjunction with ITSAScrollViewModellist

YUI({gallery: 'gallery-2013.02.27-21-03'}).use('gallery-itsascrollviewmodellist', 'gallery-itsachangemodeltemplate', 'lazy-model-list', function(Y) {
var myModellist, rendertemplate, myScrollview, editmodeltemplate, editmodelConfigAttrs, configForEditModel, changeModelTemplateConfig;

//----- defining the LazyModelList -----------------------------------------------------

myModellist = new Y.LazyModelList();
myModellist.comparator = function (model) {
    return model.Country.toUpperCase();
    {Country: 'The Netherlands'},
    {Country: 'USA'},


rendertemplate = '{Country} <button type="button" class="yui3-button edittemplate">edit</button>';

myScrollview = new Y.ITSAScrollViewModellist({
    boundingBox: "#myscrollview",
    modelTemplate: rendertemplate,
    axis: 'y',
    modelList: myModellist

//----- defining everything we need to know about Y.Plugin.ITSAChangeModelTemplate -----

editmodeltemplate = 'continental: {Continental}<br />'+
                        'country: {Country}<br />'+
                        '{Reset} {Close} {Save}';

editmodelConfigAttrs = {
    Continental: {type: 'input', selectOnFocus: true},
    Country: {type: 'textarea', initialFocus: true},
    Reset: {type: 'reset', buttonText: 'reset'},
    Close: {type: 'stopedit', buttonText: 'close'},
    Save: {type: 'save', buttonText: 'save'}

configForEditModel = {
    updateMode: 1

changeModelTemplateConfig = {
    editTemplate: editmodeltemplate,
    editmodelConfigAttrs: editmodelConfigAttrs,
    configForEditModel: configForEditModel


scrollview.plug(Y.Plugin.ITSAChangeModelTemplate, changeModelTemplateConfig);




Using events

YUI().use('model', 'gallery-itsaviewmodel', 'gallery-itsaeditmodel', datatype-date-format', function(Y) {

    var viewmodel, model, modeltemplate, edittemplate, editmodelConfigAttrs;
    model = new Y.Model({
        artist: 'Madonna',
        country: 'USA',
        firstRelease: new Date(1983, 1, 1)
    modeltemplate = '<%= data.artist %><br />'+
                    '<%= country %><br />'+
                    'First album released: <%= Y.Date.format(data.firstRelease, {format:"%d-%m-%Y"}) %>';
    edittemplate = 'Artist: {artist}<br />'+
                   'Country: {country}<br />'+
                   'First album released: {firstRelease}<br />'+
                   '{cancelButton} {saveButton}';

    editmodelConfigAttrs = {
        artist: {type: 'input'},
        country: {type: 'input'},
        firstRelease: {type: 'date', dateFormat: '%d-%m-%Y'},
        cancelButton: {type: 'stopedit', buttonText: 'cancel'},
        saveButton: {type: 'save', buttonText: 'save'}

    model.plug(Y.Plugin.ITSAEditModel, {template: edittemplate, editmodelConfigAttrs : editmodelConfigAttrs});

    viewmodel = new Y.ITSAViewModel({
        boundingBox: "#myview",
        template: modeltemplate,  // <-- is NOT the active template, because edittemplate is used. But you can turn back to this one.
        modelEditable: true,
        model: model

        function(e) {
            var savePromise = e.promise;
                // resolved:
                function(response, options) {
                // rejected:
                function(err) {



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