Custom Event Infrastructure Change History

Custom Event Infrastructure Change History


  • No changes.


  • No changes.


  • No changes.


  • No changes.


  • No changes.


  • No changes.


  • No changes.


  • No changes.


  • No changes.


  • Made addTarget and removeTarget chainable.


  • Fixed regression introduced in 3.10.0, where EventTarget.detach('cat|*') would throw an exception, when the EventTarget was configured with a prefix.


  • Fixed issue with fireOnce subscribers not receiving the facade, if subscription came in after the fire, and the initial fire had no listeners (the bug was introduced in 3.10.0, with the no listener perf. optimizations).

    The subscribers in the broken code would have received the raw payload instead (e.g. {opts:foo}).


  • No changes.


  • Fixed issue with facade carrying stale data for the “no subscriber” case.

  • Fixed regression where once() and onceAfter() subscriptions using the * prefix threw a TypeError [#676]. target.once('*:fooChange', callback)

  • Fixed exception with fire(type, null) with emitFacade:true.


  • No changes.


  • Significant performance improvements in common CustomEvent operations.

    There are improvements across the board, but the work was largely aimed at events with no listeners (to facilate speeding up new Base() which publishes/fires 2 events [init, initializedChange], which usually don’t have listeners).

    For example, on Chrome:

    `fire() with 0 listeners` is 6 times faster
    `fire() with 2 listeners` is 2-3 times faster (w, w/o payload)
    `publish()` is 2 times faster
    `publish() compared to _publish()` is 5 times faster (see below)
    `EventTarget construction + publish + fire with 0 listeners` is 3 times faster

    Major performance related changes are listed below.

    Commit messages have detailed descriptions of incremental changes, and the benefits introduced.

  • Moved more properties to the CustomEvent prototype, to improve publish costs

  • Instantiate _subscribers, _afters arrays lazily to reduce publish costs for the no listener case. Same thing was also done for less commonly used features, like the targets map.

  • Reduce new EventTarget costs, by removing default properties which just match the CustomEvent defaults. It reduces the number of properties we need to iterate each time we mix values while publishing.

  • Removed unrequired Y.stamp on _yuievt. It wasn’t being used in the library code base

  • Changed Y.stamp calls to Y.guid where it was being used to set up id properties. There didn’t seem to be a need to add the _yuid property and it added overhead.

  • Provide a fast-track for fire with no potential subscribers (no local subscribers, no bubble targets, and no broadcast), by jumping to the default function directly (if configured) or just doing nothing, if no default function.

  • Made * support close to zero cost for folks who aren’t using it, by only trying to look for siblings if someone had subscribed using *.

  • Reduced isObject checks, by combining facade creation and argument manipulation into _getFacade().

  • Improved fireComplex times, by creating lesser used queues lazily (es.queue, es.afterQueue).

  • Avoid slice and related arguments iteration costs for common fire signatures, (fire("foo"), fire("foo", {})) by working with arguments directly for these cases.

    Since fire is open-ended in terms of it’s number of args, anything besides the above signatures still use slice.

  • fire(...) now delegates to _fire(array) to avoid repeated conversion of arguments to arrays, across the calling stack from to

  • Avoid _monitor() hops, but checking for whether or not monitoring is enabled outside of the function.

  • Removed Y.cached wrapper around _getType(). This was an interesting one. The work we do to generate the key for the cache, turned out to be more than what _getType() costs if we just re-run it.

  • Added a fast-path currently private _publish() for low-level, critical path implementations, such as Attribute and Base.

    _publish() doesn’t provide any API sugar (e.g. type to fulltype conversation), and leaves the CustomEvent configuration to the caller to avoid iteration and mixing costs.

    The assumption is that low-level callers know about the event system architecture, and know what they’re doing. That’s why its private for now, but its 5x faster than publish() for a comparable event configuration. publish() leverages _publish(), also ends up being faster after this change, but not by such a big factor.

  • Revert EventTarget back to lazily creating targets.


  • No changes.


  • No changes.


  • No changes.


  • No changes.


  • No changes.


  • No changes.


  • No changes.


  • CustomEvent run-time performance optimizations.

    a. [!] The subscribers and afters CustomEvent instance properties have been deprecated, and replaced with private arrays (instead of hashes).

    If you’re referring to the subscribers or afters properties directly, you can set the Y.CustomEvent.keepDeprecatedSubs to true, to restore them, but you will incur a performance hit in doing so.

    The rest of the CustomEvent API is driven by the new private arrays, and does not require the subscribers and afters properties, so you should only enable keepDeprecatedSubs if your code is referring to the properties directly.

    If you are using the above properties directly, please file an enhancement request and we’ll provide a public way to achieve the same results, without the performance hit before we remove the properties permanently.

    b. Avoid new EventTarget when stoppedFn is not used.

    c. Optimized mixing during the creation of a custom event object.

    d. Optimized mixing done on the facade, during a fire with payload.

    Performance results on Chrome 19/MacOS below, for the use case where we’re iring with a payload:

    Custom Event Lifecycle Numbers (Fix a, b, c)

    BEFORE (3.6.0): EventTarget with attribute style publish, fire, with on/after listeners x 7,623 ops/sec

    CURRENT (With fixes a, b, c): EventTarget with attribute style publish, fire, with on/after listeners x 23,642 ops/sec

    Payload Numbers (Fix d)

    BEFORE (3.6.0): Fire With Payload - 10 listeners x 27,918 ops/sec ±1.32% (54 runs sampled)

    CURRENT (With fix d): Fire With Payload - 10 listeners x 63,362 ops/sec ±0.37% (58 runs sampled)

    The benchmark tests can be found in src/event-custom/tests/benchmark

    Log messages for the follow commits have more details:

    e7415e71decf3d921161e8883270e16b433aa150 - subscribers/afters fix. 29f63996f8b69a7bb6d2e27f4d350c320998c0b2 - optimized payload mix fix.

  • CustomEvent memory optimizations.

    • Fixed _facade and firedWith which were holding onto a reference to the last fired event facade. Now _facade is reset to null after the fire sequence, and firedWith is only maintained for fireOnce CustomEvents. i

      This allows the facade from the last fired event to be GC’d whereas prior to this change it wasn’t.


  • Fixed memory consumption issue where Y.Do’s internal touched object cache, Y.Do.objs, would never release object references.

    The Y.Do.objs property has been deprecated as of 3.6.0, and will be null.

    The cached state previously stored in Y.Do.objs has been moved onto the AOP’d object itself, in the private _yuiaop property.

    The only reason _yuiaop is mentioned here, is to provide a temporary migration path for users who may have been using Y.Do.objs. If you are using this property, please file a ticket with the use case, and we’ll look at addressing the use case formally, while not impacting GC.


  • No changes.


  • Multiple calls to target.publish({ … }) now work [Ticket #2531671]


  • onceAfter (added in 3.4.0) now works for array and object signatures. [Ticket #2531121]


  • Custom events published from Y no longer bubble by default.


  • Undocumented and poorly named each() method on EventHandle changed to batch().

  • After listeners for events fired in a defaultFn or listener are queued in the correct order.

  • Added Y.Do.originalRetVal and Y.Do.currentRetVal statics accessible by Y.Do.after() subscribers.

  • Exposed the previously private EventTarget.parseType.


  • Fixed defaultTargetOnly publish configuration.

  • detach() now decrements subCount/afterCount.

  • Detaching via category no longer affects subscriptions on other objects.


  • No changes.


  • Wildcard prefix subscriptions supported: target.on('*:click', …) will be notified when tree:click, tab:click, etc are fired.

  • Added EventTarget::once, which is equivalent to on(), except the listener automatically detaches itself once executed.

  • Added event monitoring. When configured, an EventTarget will emit events for publish(), attach(), fire(), and detach() operations on the hosted events.

  • EventTarget::on’s type parameter is overloaded to accept arrays and objects for attaching multiple types at once.

  • EventTarget::detach returns the event target like the API docs already stated.

  • Events can now be configured to execute the defaultFn only on the targeted object, not on the bubble targets.

  • The event order has been reworked so that the after listeners for the entire event stack execute after all defaultFn across the entire bubble stack.


  • Broken into core base and complex modules.

  • broadcast works for simple events.

  • If configured to return an EventHandle, the return value will always be a single object, regardless of how many listeners were attached. Previously, multiple listeners provided an array of detach handles.


  • [!] Exposed methods are on() for the before moment, after() for the after moment, and detach() for unsubscribe. subscribe(), before(), unsubscribe(), and corresponding methods are deprecated.

  • Implemented the broadcast flag:

    • broadcast = 1: local, accessible via Y.on('prefix:event').
    • broadcast = 2: global, accessible via Y.on() or globally via Y.Global.on('prefix:event').

    Broadcast listeners cannot effect the defaultFn or host subscribers (so are in effect, after listeners), although this is still possible by added either Y or Y.Global as EventTargets.

  • Moved event-custom out of event package.

  • EventTarget accepts a prefix configuration. This is used in all exposed methods to handle shortcuts to event names, e.g., 'click' and 'menu:click' are the same if the prefix is 'menu'.

  • Event type accepts a event category which can be used to detach events:

    Y.on('category|prefix:event', fn);
  • Added chain config to events that makes the return value the event target rather than a detach handle. Use with the detach category prefix.

  • The type parameter can be an object containing multiple events to attach:

    Y.on({ 'event1': fn1, 'event2': fn2 });
  • payload for event facades can be another facade or a custom event.

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