Tree Change History

Tree Change History


  • No changes.


  • No changes.


  • No changes.


  • No changes.


  • Fixed: Moving a node to another tree fails when that node has children. (#1689: @rgrove)


  • No changes.


  • No changes.


  • No changes.


  • No changes.


  • No changes.


  • Fixed: Tree.Sortable failed to reindex a node’s children after sorting them, which could result in Tree#indexOf() and Tree.Node#index() returning incorrect indices. [Ryan Grove]


  • Added Tree.Node#depth(), which returns the depth of the node, starting at 0 for the root node. [Ryan Grove]

  • Added Tree.Sortable#sort(), which sorts the children of every node in a sortable tree. [Ryan Grove]

  • Tree#emptyNode() now removes nodes without triggering a node map reindex for each node, which makes it significantly faster when emptying a node with lots of children. [Ryan Grove]

  • When inserting a node that already exists in the same parent (which results in that node being removed and then re-inserted), Tree#insertNode() now adjusts the insertion index to ensure that the node is re-inserted at the correct position after being removed, even if that position has shifted as a result of the removal. [Ryan Grove]

  • The remove event is now fired when a node is removed and re-inserted as the result of a Tree#appendNode(), Tree#insertNode(), or Tree#prependNode() call. Previously, the node was removed silently with no event.

    The src property of the remove event facade in this case will be set to “add”. Filter on this source if you want to ignore these events. [Ryan Grove]

  • The Tree#createNode(), Tree#insertNode(), and Tree#traverseNode() methods now throw or log informative error messages when given a destroyed node instead of failing cryptically (or succeeding when they shouldn’t). [Ryan Grove]

  • The Tree.Node#isRoot() method now returns false on destroyed nodes instead of causing an exception. [Ryan Grove]

  • The Tree.Sortable#sortNode() and Tree.Sortable.Node#sort() methods now accept a deep option. If set to true, the entire hierarchy will be sorted (children, children’s children, etc.). [Ryan Grove]

  • Tree.Sortable: Sort comparator functions are now executed in their original context. When the sort comparator lives on the tree, its this object will be the tree instance. When it lives on a node, its this object will be the node. When specified as an anonymous function in an options object, its this object will be the global object. [Ryan Grove]


  • No changes.


  • No changes.


  • No changes.


  • Added Tree#findNode() and Tree.Node#find() methods, which pass the specified node and each of its descendants to a callback function and returns the first node for which the callback returns a truthy value. [Ryan Grove]

  • Added Tree#traverseNode() and Tree.Node#traverse() methods, which pass the specified node and each of its descendants to a callback function in depth-first order. [Ryan Grove]

  • Added a Tree.Sortable extension, which can be mixed into any Tree class to provide customizable sorting logic for nodes. [Ryan Grove]

  • Fixed: The number returned by Tree#size() didn’t include the root node. [Ryan Grove]


  • Added a src option to all methods that trigger events. This value is passed along to the event facade of the resulting event, and can be used to distinguish between changes caused by different sources (such as user-initiated changes vs. programmatic changes). [Ryan Grove]


  • Initial release. [Ryan Grove]

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