YUI in NodeJS

YUI in NodeJS

The YUI system needs to be built in order for it to work inside of NodeJS properly. We have created a script to do this for you so you can create an npm packge that’s installable and usable locally.

We have also created a new seed file for YUI inside of node (yui-nodejs) that loads all of the YUI modules needed to make YUI run on node properly.


To create the package you need shifter, node and npm installed.

cd yui3/src/yui
make npm
//or without make
shifter --config build-npm.json

By default this will create the package here:


Then you can use npm to install this package like this:

mkdir yui_test
cd yui_test
npm i /path/to/yui3/build-npm/

Now npm ls will show that the package is installed locally in this directory.


Once the yui package has been installed, you can still access it like you used to:

var YUI = require('yui').YUI;

YUI().use('oop', function(Y) {
    console.log('OOP?', (Y.rbind) ? true : false); //true

We have also added support for YUI “requiring” in a more “CommonJS” manner:

var Y = require('yui/base-base');
console.log('Base?', (Y.Base) ? true : false); //true

var Y = require('yui/yql');
console.log('YQL?', (Y.YQL) ? true : false); //true

When you require a YUI module more than once in a process, the YUI instance used under the hood is shared.

var Y = require('yui/yql');
console.log('YQL #1?', (Y.YQL) ? true : false); //true
console.log('Base #1?', (Y.Base) ? true : false); //false

var Y = require('yui/base-base');
console.log('YQL #2?', (Y.YQL) ? true : false); //true
console.log('Base #2?', (Y.Base) ? true : false); //true

You can also do one YUI use on require and load several modules at once:

var Y = require('yui').use('yql', 'oop', 'base-base');

console.log('OOP?', (Y.rbind) ? true : false); //true
console.log('YQL?', (Y.YQL) ? true : false); //true
console.log('Base?', (Y.Base) ? true : false); //true

Sync vs Async

Doing a require, like above, where you select your modules inside the require will make that YUI instance sync by default:

//This will be sync
var Y = require('yui').use('yql', 'oop', 'base-base');

Using YUI like you do in the browser will make YUI async:

var YUI = require('yui').YUI;
//This will be async
YUI().use('oop', function(Y) {
    console.log('OOP?', (Y.rbind) ? true : false); //true

You can force a sync use by setting the useSync config option in they YUI constructor:

var YUI = require('yui').YUI;
//This is sync
var Y = YUI({ useSync: true }).use('oop');
console.log('OOP?', (Y.rbind) ? true : false); //true

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