This is where you see t3h codes. (Also see: previously written introduction.)
Open-source projects worth mentioning
- Hacktoolkit - Win hackathons by using bootstrap code to build complete websites and apps in 24 hours
- Exaile-HTTP-Server - Like iTunes remote, before iTunes remote existed
- js-calendar-widget - A basic JS calendar widget
- jekyll-theme-hacking-in-the-dark - Jekyll theme used by this site
- jekyll-theme-gh-slate - Jekyll theme used by Hacktoolkit
- ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap
- ubuntu-server-bootstrap
Other Projects, Startups, Consulting Work
- ZippyApp - Marketplace for hourly jobs and the Common Employment Application accepted at a growing number of businesses.
- Talentral - Career management and rich media work portfolios.
- Wubyu - Play OhSnap! the photo charades game.
- Pkkup - Find and organize pickup games.
- Kebume - My software consulting company
- Gaw | Poe LLP (formerly The Gaw Group)
IRC Channels
IRC channels where I might hang, in no particular order: